January 27
Needed to reboot pc and my first note wasnt saved... so i just do new one.
Went to dentist and now need to spend 300$ on one tooth. feeling like i'm in hospital again, except i dont have threads on my gums. The process, hovever, still the same: brush teeth three times a day, rinse your mouth often, if can't stand the pain take a painkiller. And i need to do this for a lon long twelve days... Aalso this paragraph made me realise that my medicine-related dictionary is as poor as my wallet this month.
To other news: my dt drivers are dead as hell. Those pc reboot was necessary but brought me LOT of pain. First, it crashed my browser and it cleared my entire data with all logins and i needed to log in everywhere again, and THEN i opened my clipstudio just to see that i cant even open wacom app and fix drivers. I understand that my lil bro pc is half dead but this is truly a knife in my back.
Second term starts soon... bruh